Goals Vs Resolutions. 

Goodbye 2017! Hello 2018! Please be nice. 


What a year it has been. I have reached a point where I have decided  to stop making New Year Resolutions. New year resolution are sometimes, if not most, made in a state of euphoria and usually lacks commitment. Resolutions are long term and are something that is supposed to be kept and not achieved which in the end most fail to keep. 

Over the years, New Year Resolutions have become a norm in which I would make probably because of the new year hype,  but doesn’t yield anything as time goes by. 

Come 2018, I have resorted to making goals rather than resolutions. Resolutions and Goals may seem to be alike but there is a huge difference.

 A goal can be defined as a desired result that a person wishes to achieve. It is a target that a person wants to reach. It is an end-point of where a person sees himself after a certain period of time.

A goal is something you keep in front of you every day. A resolution is something you wish could happen to you. The biggest difference between a goal and a resolution is active behavior versus passive behavior. 

Goals and Resolutions are similar in that they both include making some changes from what someone has been doing. However, they differ in terms of duration and what exactly they are.

A resolution is a firm decision to do something. A goal is something that somebody wants to achieve. Hence,  resolutions should be conscious decisions that leads into a healthier behavior. 

As I think about  setting up my 2018 goals, I have have come up with a priority list that I will use to make my goals. 

When setting a goal it should be a S.M.A.R.T Goal (Simple, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time sensitive). 

2018 I am ready for you. 

Goodbye 2017.

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